Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shark's Cove

Yesterday we headed to Shark's Cove in the evening after a normal day of stuff like school and grocery shopping.  As we drove over to the North Shore it was raining.  We got out for a little while at Shark's Cove, but it was still raining, so we got back into the van to eat our tacos.  Sydney prayed for our dinner and asked that God would make the rain stop.  By the time we were ready to go back out to the beach, the clouds were breaking and the rain had stopped.  We didn't see much of a sunset, but the clouds created some beautiful pictures.

Cole, Sydney, and Mack had a great time playing in the water and on the rocks.

Nora watched from the shallower tide pools.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday on the Windward Side

Today we went to church on the other side of the island.  Just getting to the other side is a beautiful drive through lush mountains.  The church is a good PCA church, in some ways similar to Westminster, in some ways different.  It's nice to go to a different church, just to remember that we have brothers and sisters in many places and that we all share a common bond in Christ.  After church we went to a small group at the home of a family from church.  They live on a kind of peninsula, so we stopped by the beach on one side of it before we got there.

Their house is right on the beach on the other side of the peninsula.  Prepare to be amazed--the last picture here was taken from their back yard!

It was a good day, enjoying church and Christian fellowship in an amazing place.

It's So Beautiful!

Just a couple pictures from the beach today.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm here

Thursday I arrived safely in Honolulu.  Some of you already know my story.  For those of you who might still be wondering what I'm doing in Hawaii I'll try to explain it the short way.  Some friends of ours from a former church are stationed here right now.  I volunteered to come and be extra hands, help with the kids, etc. while their dad is deployed.  I'll be staying for about a month.  It's been fun and good to have a change of pace.       

Here's me with the kids in front of the house right after I got there.  They gave me a lei--it was so sweet!

I have already told people that I would try to blog more often while I'm here, and I will.  So stay tuned.