Thursday, March 20, 2014

Random iPod Shots

Confession to make--I've been posting iPod photos on Instagram. For my blog-only viewers, here are some things I've shared there, but not here.

This was from our major snow storm last month. It was beautiful, but it was a hard time to be working for an airline!

Dark clouds and evening sun.

New violin music that I've been enjoying!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cannon Beach (again)

How many times have I been to Cannon Beach? Not sure off the top of my head, but pretty much every time I go, I feel like I take the same pictures. I just have to! Of course each time will be a little bit different, too. We were back at Cannon Beach a couple weekends ago for a women's retreat with our church. The weather on Friday, the day we got there was just gorgeous--sunny and warm. The next day it poured. But I got in some nice beach pictures on Friday evening!

I wondered if I should crop out the dog in this first picture, but then, I guess dogs on the beach are a pretty quintessential part of Cannon Beach, too. :-)

This picture is actually a new view for me. Christina and I left the beach in order to get back to the conference center faster, and we ended up on this back road in between the houses and the beach. It's not nearly as wild a spot as it looks in this picture, but I loved the look of the sand dunes in front of Haystack Rock.

Monday, March 3, 2014