Monday, November 28, 2011

A Cinnabon Recipe!

I've never blogged about food before, but last Saturday I tried a new recipe that I think is definitely blog-worthy! To begin with, a little background. My family loves Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. There used to be a Cinnabon at the Vancouver mall, but it closed and now the closest one is at Lloyd Center. Needless to say, we haven't gotten any in a long time! However, the other day a friend told me about this cookbook called Top Secret Recipes, and that there was a recipe for Cinnabons (thanks, Kathy!). Well, I found it online here. It seemed worth a try. I tried to do it just like the recipe said to and the results were amazing! It truly tastes like a Cinnabon cinnamon roll. Some parts of the recipe are a little unusual. For one thing, several ingredients are measured by weight. It also requires kneading the dough and beating the frosting for a really long time, but it's totally worth it. I'm not sure if my family will ever buy Cinnabon again... 


  1. Wait.. wait.. where's the recipe?! You got me all worked up and craving them and then there wasn't one! ;-) Is it top secret or can you give it out? If the latter, I would love to have it!


  2. Galena, sorry about that! I had a link, but I didn't realize that I had it set to black text, so you couldn't see it. Anyway, here's the website again: Enjoy!

  3. I am requesting these next time you do dessert for study!!!!

  4. Your welcome, Galena! Mrs. J--that's a good idea! :)
